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Go to the shopSpecialized in the collection, selection, cleaning, processing and import-export of medicinal aromatic plants, as well as their derivatives.
Aronia is a plant discovered and used first in North America and then in Europe. In recent years, the great demand for its fruits made the farmers of our country...
Ingredients: 100% organic wild blueberries. Curative properties: Blueberry fruits (or cherry fruits) are rich in tannin, malic, citric and benzoic acids as well as vitamins A, C and P. Blueberry...
Composition: Cranberry, red rose, blackberry, wild gooseberry, wild apple. Curative properties: Mixing the fruits of aromatic-medicinal plants completely wild and grown in our forests, makes this mixture absolutely one of the...
Pai Mu Tan is a prized variant of white tea created from a young bud and two young leaves of Camellia sinensis. A very soft floral aroma is felt when...
Black tea has been known and used since ancient times in its countries of origin of China and Japan and then spread around the globe. Black tea leaves contain, among other...
Curative properties: Green tea has been known and used since ancient times, starting in its countries of origin such as China and Japan and then spread around the globe. Green...
Composition: Chamomile flower Properties: Chamomile is known as a very effective natural sedative. It is used to remove gas from the intestines and relieve cramps (muscle spasms). Chamomile is used...
The tea consists of Aloysia Citrodora leaves (Herba Louisa) and ginger roots, which are a perfect combination. Those that give the tea its characteristic spicy taste and medicinal values. Used for...
The tea prepared with Aloysia Citrodora leaves has a very good aroma, similar to that of lemon, in addition to its value. It is rich in essential oil and has a...
Composition: large-leaved linden flower (Tilia Platyphylla) Curative properties: Linden flowers contain mucilage, an essence rich in farnesol, various glucoses, sugars, tannins and substances similar to vitamin "E". It is used to combat diseases...
Ingredients: Red oregano. Due to it containing essence, bitter substances, tannins, etc., mountain oregano (red oregano) is used as a tea that helps digestion and expectoration, the treatment of respiratory...
Composition: Mountain tea. Properties: Mountain tea is among the most popular and useful teas in Albania as well as in some of the Mediterranean countries. We offer the best variety of...
Composition: Marjoram, mint leaves, fennel, cinnamon, salep, sage, acacia flowers, chaste tree, etc. Curative Properties: Medicinal plants with aphrodisiac abilities (sexual stimulation) are included in this tea. The active ingredients...
Ingredients: Mallow root, wild thyme, yarrow, coltsfoot leaves, marshmallow flowers, lavender flowers, etc. Curative properties: The mixture is thanks to the mallow root and the coltsfoot leaves containing a lot of mucilage...
Ingredients: milkweed root, corn whisker, birch leaf, basil, cinnamon, bean husk, etc. Curative properties: Herbal blend to promote the secretion of body fluids. Because of the diuretic character of the...
Ingredients: Couch grass, hawthorn, bilberry leaves, milkweed root, stinging nettle leaves, common centaury, myrtle leaves, goat's rue, linden flowers, bean husks, etc. Curative properties: In this tea there are mixtures of different...