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Wild rose tea 340g


Ingredients: Wild rose, cranberry (bilberry), and wild apple. Curative properties: Wild rose is considered the most concentrated natural source of vitamin C as it contains 50-100 times more than citrus...

Wild rose tea 40g


Ingredients: Wild rose, cranberry (bilberry), and wild apple. Curative properties: Wild rose is considered the most concentrated natural source of vitamin C as it contains 50-100 times more than citrus...

Uva ursi tea 40g


 Contents: common bearberry leaves (Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi) Curative Properties: Uva Ursi tea consists of the leaves of the bearberry plant (Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi) which is found in the mountainous terrain of Albania. This tea, in...

Uva ursi tea 100g


Contents: common bearberry (Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi) Curative Properties: This tea, in addition to its delicious taste, has disinfectant properties in swollen urinary tracts, without having any effect on healthy organs. The bearberry leaves,...

Herbal slim tea 140g


Herbal Slim Tea (Slimming tea) is a dietary tea based on all natural plant composition, which provides a healthy weight loss. 😊 Benefits: Stimulates digestion. Increases metabolism. Eliminates fatty tissue. Controls...

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For better health, and better cooking