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Chamomile tea 105g


Composition: Chamomile flower Properties: Chamomile is known as a very effective natural sedative. It is used to remove gas from the intestines and relieve cramps (muscle spasms). Chamomile is used...

Chamomile tea 60g


Composition: Chamomile flower Properties: Chamomile is known as a very effective natural sedative. It is used to remove gas from the intestines and relieve cramps (muscle spasms). Chamomile is used...

Plum tea 40g


Contents: Dried and fresh plums.  Curative Properties: The fruit known in Ayurvedic medicine will win your hearts, not only from the sweet taste that accompanies the tea but also from the hidden...

Laxative tea 100g


Composition: Elderberry flowers, alder buckthorn bark, senna leaves, yarrow flowers, wild apple, etc. Curative properties: The herbs combined in this tea complement the laxative, antiseptic, softening and anti-inflammatory action in the lower...

Lemon, ginger, hibiscus tea 40g


Contents: lemon, ginger root, hibiscus Curative Properties: Lemon, ginger and hibiscus tea is a perfect combination of spicy taste and medicinal values. Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Ginger root or rhizome...

Lemon & ginger tea 170g


The tea consists of Aloysia Citrodora leaves (Herba Louisa) and ginger roots, which are a perfect combination. Those that give the tea its characteristic spicy taste and medicinal values. Used for...

Lemon tea 160g


The tea prepared with Aloysia Citrodora leaves has a very good aroma, similar to that of lemon, in addition to its value. It is rich in essential oil and has a...

Lemon tea 90g


Contents: Lemon beebrush, latin name Aloysia Citrodora also known as Herba Luiza or Limonçina Curative Properties: Tea prepared with the leaves of lemon beebrush, in addition to its values, has...

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For better health, and better cooking