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Achillea Millefolium


Achillea millefolium , commonly known as yarrow or common yarrow, is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. It is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia,...

Althaea Officinalis


Althaea officinalis (marsh-mallow, marsh mallow, or common marshmallow) is a perennial species indigenous to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa, which is used as a medicinal plant and ornamental plant. A...

Coconut 60g


The coconut comes from the coconut palm which is a plant that grows in the tropics. By drying and grinding the coconut, a food rich in fiber and medium chain...

Arrë kokosi e grirë 60g


Arra e kokosit, konsiderohet si Pema e Jetës dhe përdoret kryesisht në gatimin e ëmbëlsirave, si: torta, zupa,macaroons, biskota, etj.

Nutmeg 400g


Grated nutmeg is applied directly on prepared dishes such as: pasta, lasagna, risotto, sauces, purees, cheeses, etc. Nutmeg (or Indian nut). Thanks to its characteristic aroma, it is also widely used...

Ground Nutmeg 40g


Grated nutmeg is applied directly on prepared dishes such as: pasta, lasagna, risotto, sauces, purees, cheeses, etc. Nutmeg (or Indian nut). Thanks to its characteristic aroma, it is also widely used...

Arrë moskati kokërr 30 g


E njohur ndryshe si arra e indit. Përdoret duke u grirë nërizoto, salca, pure, patate furre, djathra dhe në shumëprodukte pastiçerie. Ideale kur grihet mbi pjatën emakaronave të sapo servirura.

Nutmeg 30g


Nutmeg is mainly grated on dishes served at the table. It is widely used in pasta, lasagna, risotto, sauces, purees, cheeses, etc. Nutmeg (or Indian nut), thanks to its characteristic...

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For better health, and better cooking